China · October 3, 2018

Tour to Suzhou

Today we took a 40-minute train ride from Shanghai to Suzhou. The Shanghai train station and fleet of bullet trains all look shiny-new. Most people are still off work enjoying the week of national holiday, so the station was very crowded. Our trip went very smoothly in spite of the crowds. We hear that the trains run on time with no exceptions. One employee lost her job for holding the door open for a latecomer who had got separated from her husband!

The seats were roomy and comfortable. The speed is posted on a digital screen at the front of the car, and our speed on today’s trip reached almost 180 mph. We were entertained by cute children coming and going.

The city of Suzhou is 2,500 years old. They have rebuilt their ancient city wall, which is surrounded by a moat.

Tourists flock there on holidays to visit the beautiful gardens. It was absolutely mobbed today because of the holiday. The unhappy people in the picture are only a small part of the mega-line that was backed up for hours to see one of the most popular gardens.

Our guides steered us expertly to a smaller garden which was less crowded. 

They also got us tickets for a canal-boat ride. Suzhou’s Water Gate links this city of waterways to China’s Grand Canal. We had a cheerful woman to propel our boat, and she sang us a song about the unforgettable attractions of her city of Suzhou. People live in houses along the canal, and some have little garden boxes arranged alongside the canal.

Afterwards, we toured a silk factory, where we saw busy silkworms and silk workers.